
"Sometimes melancholy leaves me breathless."

I came home from Bible study tonight and went straight to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and settle in for the night. I went to my room, took off my coat, and opened my philosophy book when something sort of like magic happened. Lerin put her hands on the piano and started to make music. I put down everything in my hands, and sat, transfixed. I left my ears absorb the ethereal sweep of sound coming through my half-closed door. I let my mind move to a safer place, because her music puts you in another world (one of which I could take no part with my philosophies and my maps spread out on my table). I am sitting here, listening to songs about the moon and the sea and relishing the fact that I live with such talented people.

If you live in Seattle, she's playing at the Q Cafe on Friday night. Do come.

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