This city is thriving, even as I am shut away from it in my busyness.
We took a different turn this morning, and found ourselves in yet another undiscovered corner of Seattle. Incredible markets, boutiques, Mom n' Pop shops, Italian coffeehouses, and a wildly eclectic crowd. I am amazed that after 2 1/2 years of living here, I still stare around me with wide eyes, jaw-dropped like a tourist.
I can't help it, I live in an incredible corner of the world.
P.S. Today is a good day for toasting pumpkin seeds. I think I will make my own muesli concoction this month. What else am I missing? Pumpkin seeds, toasted hazlenuts, chopped dried apricots, sunflower seeds, shredded wheat. I'm feeling a surge of creativity (and how can you not, after strolling through one of these Sunday markets?)